Do you have money you need to raise or cause you’d like to support? Let’s partner and a portion of Avon sales through my online store will be donated to the cause you are interested in supporting. I’ll provide you with the tools for a successful online event including:
• A personalized web page and online store open 24/7
• An online goal tracker and reports (the thermometer will rise as your sales rise). You’ll keep up-to-date on the estimated proceeds with a summary that can be automatically emailed to your organizer.
• Direct Delivery- we’ll even deliver the products right to your customers door and delivery is free to customers with orders of $30.00 or more.
• Personalized online invitations to use to email supporters asking them to shop your event.
• Promotional code for tracking- You’ll be asked to create a memorable code that participants will use at checkout to link their order to your online event, usually 6-15 characters.
All it takes is for your supporters to register at my online Avon shop and type in the special code that you create and every time they purchase something from my store; they are giving money to your fundraiser.
• How do attendees get to my online event? Through an email invitation or by visiting my Avon site and clicking “Online Events”.
• Will I have to deliver the products? No, Avon handles all aspects of delivery. Shipping is free to customers who spend over $30.00.
• Can I claim a tax exemption? No, the online events program is not designed to support tax-free fundraisers. Because online event orders are delivered directly to the customers, rather than distributed via the organization, the sales tax exemption does not apply.
• How does my organization receive their donation? After the orders have been processed, I pay you the agreed percentage after I receive the earnings from Avon.
• Can you provide an example of my earning? We will discuss the percentage, however here is an example based on you receiving 30%... 20 participants sell $15.00 in Avon products to 10 people, the total sales would equal $3000.00 of which your organization would earn $900.00
• What information will you need from my organization? Simple: organization name, complete address, contact person, phone, email address, promotional code, number of participants, estimated sales, start and end date and a personalized message.
If you are interested in partnering to meet your goals, please contact me @ or